Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Camping in Yellowstone

This past week we drove up to Yellowstone and camped with a group of friends.  It was the most fun kind of camping trip I have ever experienced.  Growing up, when we camped, it was a lot of hanging out and playing in the nearby lake. We would spend lots of time at the campsite not doing much of anything.  This trip was filled with lots of hiking and site seeing. We were always exhausted by the end of each day but were even more excited for what the next day would bring. As a family, we love the outdoors. Even our one year old daughter is happiest playing outside usually in the dirt. So needless to say, we loved every minute of Yellowstone. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone who has the opportunity, even if you aren't the typical camper. It was definitely, for us at least, a once in a lifetime experience. Here a just a couple pictures of some of the scenery.

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